Since the Journal of Linguistic and Intercultural Education is peer reviewed, you have to ensure anonymity of your first submission. Therefore, upon first submission for blind review, please send two MS Word-format (Windows98, Windows2000, WindowsXP) documents, one containing your article, in which you will not include your name and affiliation, and another document containing the title of your paper, your name and affiliation, as well as email address. Authors should not reveal their identities in the manuscript in any way; self-citation is accepted, but references to the author in the main paper should be replaced with "Author, year" (e.g., Author 2013), or "Author et al., year" (e.g., Author et al. 2013).

The process of peer reviewing is blind and takes approximately 5-6 months. Individual submissions (anonymous) are sent to 2 external reviewers, whose comments and suggestions are made available to the authors after the review process is complete. JoLIE editors will make all necessary efforts to respond to the authors in a timely manner. It should however be noted that it may take between 3 and 6 months between the first revision with ACCEPT or ACCEPT with the following changes and the final publication of the paper, provided all reviewers" comments and suggestions are considered. In the case of RE-SUBMIT after a major revision, the process will actually start from anew, and the contribution will only be included in the following year"s edition of the journal (if reviewers" instructions are met).  Any failure to comply with the deadlines or guidelines in the style sheet will result in rejection of the manuscript.

JoLIE editors make sure that the peer reviewers comply with the standards of expected ethical behaviour, such as the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) Code of Conduct guidelines, available at:

Please remember that each submission must be accompanied by a separate short biographical note on the author(s).

Manuscripts (as Word attachments) should be sent to: or alternately to

The form that will be filled in by the external peer-reviewers can be found below: 

Blind review form

Average time of publication is 8-10 months from initial acceptance of manuscript.

Rejection rate (from 2015 to date) is 25%.

Antiplagiarism check is made with a nationally approved system: