‘A culture of consciousness’: An ecolinguistic perspective on the conceptual-terminological plane of the proposal. A pilot study

Marta Bogusławska-Tafelska

In Western sciences, we can presently observe a slow but progressing methodological and philosophical transition from Darwinism and cognicentrism towards contemporary holism and from Newtonian, atomistic materialism to a post-Newtonian unification paradigm. Hence, the educational and ecolinguistic paradigms with an integrationist trend come to explain the 21st century holistic view to the public awareness and offer ways to teach their underpinnings in an educational setting. This paper discusses the alternative conceptual-terminological domains that can be referred to for this purpose, also in the scope of this volume on promoting active listening, which sustains effective communication across domains.

Ecolinguistics; Culture of consciousness; Conceptual/terminological field; Holism.

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