L’analyse des données et l’élaboration didactique en français technique et scientifique

Cristina Ana Măluţan Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania

When drafting pedagogical teaching programs, we need to take into consideration that teaching French for Specific Purposes is different than teaching French as a foreign language due to the fact that the teacher/ designer of the course is confronted with various teaching situations that are specific to the future fields that students will be working in. In this case, teachers must design the teaching curriculum by themselves and adapt the teaching material that is available to the professional field of their students. The entire process of selecting the teaching material follows several steps: finding out the professional field of the students from the teaching institution, analyzing the students needs, an analysis of the gathered data and material the students will work on, a further data analysis for viewing the communication situations they will need to learn and, finally, creating the activities in order to make students acquire these language skills. In this article, we will treat the last two steps, the data analysis and the methodological elaboration of teaching materials specific for technical and scientific French. The object of the present article will be constituted by the data analysis that a teacher of French for Specific Purposes needs to accomplish in order to design a coherent teaching curriculum and to attain the teaching objectives when teaching French for technical or scientific purposes. We will reflect upon the design of the teaching materials used with students from the Technical University of Cluj in learning French for Specific Purposes. Teaching a foreign language for a technical or scientific purpose requires a double effort in designing a course because, apart from the methodological and language knowledge, the teacher must also learn about the professional field their students are about to work in. After collecting the teaching material, teachers must conduct a thorough analysis of this data in order to design a curriculum to teach students the language competences (written and oral) within real life situation activities similar to the ones they will meet at their workplace. When elaborating these activities specific to technical or scientific French, all teachers must take into account several restraints such as designing interactive working activities where the teachers role is to supervise how the activity is going and whether its aim is attained, to create communication situations that can develop the easy target competences, turning to authentic discourses.

Teaching; French for Specific Purposes; Data Analysis; Methodological Elaboration.

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