Übersetzungen als Notwendigkeit des interkulturellen Kontakts

Roxana Anamaria Suciu 1 December 1918 University of Alba Iulia, Romania

We live in an era of globalization, which makes the world seem smaller and also makes travel easier. At the same time we have unlimited access to information, a chance to become experts in what we do and this deepens the rift between experts, in our particular case jurists, and common people. The translation became a challenge for translators, who have to cope with these changes and the need of information. The purpose of this article is to do draw attention to the difficult task a translator has when he needs to set sail on foreign ground in search for the best equivalent and translation.

It presents various translation theories. The first part analyzes the theories about the impossibility of having a good translation. As language precedes thoughts, they offer each generation ways to interpret reality and therefore texts as they understand them. Each language has its own version, its own vision and it doesn't offer an equivalent for each word that exists in another language. People have their own culture and language has developed in relation to their needs. Just as widespread as the belief in the impossibility of translation are the theories on translatability. The translatability theories as opposed to the untranslatability theories justify their theses on similarities between languages. For the majority of these theories, language is nothing more than the vehicle for conveying content and this content can be expressed in any language. We think the way we think because we speak the language we speak. If we had grown up with a different language, our thinking would be different.

Translation is an adventure, a complex activity that depends on many factors. Understanding the text is the most important feature. The unfamiliar should be familiar to the translator, because for the translator, understanding means understanding something for someone, so it is an active activity.

The interdependence between the cultures, is multi-layered and multi-dimensional and that is why the way from the source text to the translation requires careful work and apart from very good language skills and because of acting as a mediator between two languages ​​and two types of culture, the translator needs background knowledge about the era, writers and their intentions, reasons, goals, culture and customs, important for translation. Translation is thus a gateway to other worlds, to other mentalities.

Translation; Cultural transfer; Language transfer; Language transfer; Untranslatability, background knowledge.

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