Raising students’ awareness of the importance of terminology in translation. A case study

Maria-Crina Herțeg - 1 Decembrie 1918 University of Alba Iulia, Romania

The paper draws on the practical applications of terminological research and it relies on an experiment conducted by the author at 1 Decembrie 1918 University of Alba Iulia. The experiment involved students enrolled in the Translation and Interpreting undergraduate programme and with a view to preparing future translation professionals to carry out terminological research. The participants were assigned the task of compiling corpora and their choices were sundry: legal, business, technical, medical. Based on their findings, they had to elaborate terminological entries i.e., compile glossaries of specialised terms. The experiment combines both terminological and terminographical work, during it students had to extract terminology and to elaborate specialised glossaries. The interdisciplinary character of the experiment lies in the fact that it brings together the methods of terminology and the tools of corpus linguistics.

Specialised terminology; Glossary; Terminography; Translation.

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