The juridical language and its difficult reception by foreign students

Cristina–Eugenia Burtea-Cioroianu University of Craiova, Romania

The juridical language, as a specialised language, entails certain difficulties in terms of reception by the foreign students eager to grasp the secrets of the Romanian law. The legal systems in the whole world may have some similarities with the Romanian legal system but by no means identities, the closest one by form and ideas being the French juridical system. Therefore, for the foreign students studying law in Romania, the difficulty of understanding the real sense of the juridical terms and the language used by jurists, which is a particular language specific to the discussed domain, becomes obvious. The explanation of the juridical terms and the specific vocabulary through synonymy, antonymy or by periphrasis and then their placement within a larger context may represent a way for understanding and deepening the real sense of the legal language.

Juridical language; Specialist terminology; Vocabulary acquisition; Foreign students; Romanian language.

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