Résumé, compte rendu, synthèse d’un texte scientifique – méthodologie de lecture et rédaction

Adina-Irina Forna Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania

The summary, the review and the synthesis of specialised texts represent real challenges for the students of a technical university. To elaborate the summary of an article based on thorough research or to write a technical review or a synthesis starting from several various texts, these are activities that require a multitude of intellectual abilities which the students will find invaluable towards the end of their academic studies, whether when choosing the future profession or when dealing with the daily life. In the professional life, the students will have to be able to extract quickly the main ideas from a technical report, from the description of a project, from a presentation, from the conclusions of a meeting, etc. They will have to be able to reformulate those ideas, to associate them with other ones, to compare them, at the same time discarding all the irrelevant details, thus keeping the ones that might be important. These are vital competences for a professional person in any technical field: when reading any scientific or technical article, any scientific journal, or any project, they must do it in such a way that they are able to quickly select and structure anything important from the written text. Our article will then analyse the stages that precede the writing act of each of these types of texts: first, the analysis of the para-textual elements (title, sub-title, inter-title, intro, sender, receiver, source of the text). During the next stage, the text is read as a whole: one must try to understand the overall, global idea of the article. Then there is a second, analytical reading of the text, during which we identify the paragraphs, the connectors, the lexical fields and the key words. This is the moment in which the readers notice the connection between the main ideas, the foundation of the plan of the text. After reading and understanding the text, the reader can now become a “writer”. Our article will provide details for the rules the “writer” will have to follow for each type of text (summary/vs./review; summary and review/vs./synthesis). It is mainly about reformulating the ideas, reducing the text/texts and the “writers’” objectivity. The abilities which the students-“Writers” will have to display are thus fairly complex: they will have to understand, analyse, reduce and reformulate the information.

Summary; Review; Synthesis; Scientific or technical article; Specialised texts.

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